Prayer Requests

I really believe in the power of prayer and know that God listens to us!

Through the years I have discovered that when I pray with more emotion and feeling, I get my prayers answered faster. Recently I have discovered something unusual. I started making physical contact by placing my hand on the computer monitor over the prayer request and I noticed that when I started praying for the needs of people, I would get chills running through my body. This has happened repeatedly, but only when I pray! To me, it means that the Good Lord is there with me and is listening to my prayer. I wonder how many of you also get chills when you pray?? I sure would appreciate some feedback on this.

If any of you are in need of prayer, just fill out the form below, click submit, and I will personally pray for each and every one that comes my way. Or, if you would like to share your prayer experiences or a testimony with me, I would love to hear it.

May God bless you and be with you in your time of need!

Prayer Request Form

Prayer Needs

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